BIANCO LASA – Italgraniti

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BIANCO LASA – Italgraniti

Size: 2800X1200mm
Material: Porcelain
Edge: Rectified
Thickness: 6mm
Finish: Smooth Polished
Slip: P1
Suitable For: Walls

The monumental surfaces reflect polychromatic complexity, visual continuity between slabs, and the overall sense of balance. Large slabs best convey the supreme attention to detail and incredible realism.  Marmi di Impronta products clad interior architectural surfaces, creating a meticulously seamless aesthetic. For this reason, our surfaces lend themselves to tailor-made projects, because a coordinated space is of crucial value.  The careful selection of original raw materials and highly advanced technology enhance opulent decorative elements. Marmi di Impronta slabs show a close interaction with space because the surfaces project is developed from solid, consistent foundations.